Ant-asm, Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum, 2024

ANT-ASM:  By Zach Gordon and the Amazing Karınca

Zach Gordon (Homo sapiens), Artist Statement:  Ant-asm is a collaborative work between the artist and the colony of leaf cutter ants at Mary Meredeth Community Garden in Tucson, AZ.  The artist first met the colony in the Spring of 2019 when he was visiting his plot and noticed a long line of ants marching though his arugula, past the peas, carrying green flecks over their heads.  First thought:  Noooooooooo!   Second thought: Oh, it’s just Rosemary.  Third thought: Why Rosemary?  Fourth thought:  What if they go after my peas?  Final thought: What if they attack us all?  Thus, Ant-asm was born.

The Amazing Karınca (Acromyrmex, “leaf cutter”; colony position: ant major, crystal seer; Mary Meredeth Community Garden, Tucson), Artist Statement:  Ant-asm is a collaborative work between the artist and Zach Gordon, a “gardener” at Mary Meredith Community Garden.  The artist first met Zach in 2019.  We were decimating a Salvia rosmarinus when we noticed Zach placing small plastic labels next to the plants in his plot.  First thought: Look at this idiot, he can’t remember what he just planted.  Then, as he started building a shade structure, I had an epiphany: If I were to combine Zach’s strength and rudimentary engineering skills with my intelligence, creativity, and talent…Thus, Ant-asm was born.

Artist Interview:


Remains, 2024 (Fountain video)

Panoramic video of installation

Ant Installation, February 7, 2024